Done by Marc DeCnodder, who specialized in building various models for wrens, bluebirds, robins and swallows; as well as bat houses where the bats will occupy as much as 50 per house.
All grandchildren to help hold, nail, apply the roofing (materials mainly as shingles or old licence plates)
Art Design:
Last year (2020) Marc constructed birdhouses for the girls (Simone, Zoe, Teagan, Zariah and Simara) to paint and decorate. They each did an amazing job. One was painted as a flower garden, another with tree frogs; one with big sunflowers, a beautiful one with trees, and one that’s blue with a bright yellow flower surrounding the door hole. They were hung on the beams which support the upper deck of the house and were quickly occupied.
The 2021 project was even more ambitious as Marc constructed a few bat houses, 4 or 5 wren homes, six bluebird houses, and repaired a few old ones. The girls each were given a bluebird house for themselves to paint and take home. Once again they were amazing! Zariah’s theme was ‘mushrooms’ and she did a great job. Teagan’s was a field of cows and a spaceship with a cow or two ‘beaming up.’ Simara really likes red pandas so she painted one on her house. Simone did more flower fields on a bluebird house for Birthe, and Zoe’s theme was the bus called “Mystery Machine” from Scooby-Doo. Soon they will be all hanging outside on various trees and posts, filled with little bird families.

Even though they are specific houses, it’s always a surprise at who occupies them–I guess the birds really don’t care, they just want a comfy home to nest in and raise their family in.
We can’t wait to see who comes, to observe the busy activity of nesting, feeding young ones and seeing the young birds take flight on their own. It should be a great summer!